Our investment philosophy

We invest from €100k to €3M in Spanish companies with global potential at different stages. Our objective is to extend the liquidity periods in the companies we invest in: through convertible notes in earlier stages or venture debt in more mature startups.


We invest in technology and digital-based companies operating in Spain with a global vision.. We participate in innovative projects with high growth potential and a global vision.


We know that companies' needs vary greatly depending on the stage they are in. We cover the entire early stage investment spectrum. We have designed three ways to help you grow your business: seed pocket, convertible notes and venture debt.

How do we work?


Convertible Notes

Investment between rounds to help the company define the financial roadmap to get to Series A or B with full guarantees

  • Simple structure
  • Fast execution
  • No need to set a valuation

Venture debt

Companies close to positive EBITDA and with good unit economics; we complement rounds with national and international VCs.

  • Lower dilution
  • Expansion of runway
  • Balanced capital cost structure

¿Cuando invertimos?

Depende de la fase en la que está el proyecto

Fases Seed

100k en empresas en fases muy iniciales, fundadores con experiencia y enfoque internacional en sectores disruptivos

Serie A+

Hasta 3M en VD en empresas con unit economics top y con claro potencial de revaloración

Seed- Serie A

500k-1M CN en fases iniciales cerca de breakeven y convertible notes entre ronda seed y ronda A

When do we invest?

It depends on the stage of the company

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Seed Stages

€100k in very early stage companies, founders with experience and international focus in disruptive industries

Seed-Series A

€500k-€1M convertible note in early stages near breakeven and convertible notes between seed and Series A round

Serie A+

Up to €3M venture debt in companies with strong unit economics and clear revaluation potential

Cómo aportamos valor


Somos expertos en creación de nuevos productos e implantación.

Visión internacional

Desde el día 1 buscamos proyectos que piensen en traccionar en todo el mundo. Ayudamos en la búsqueda de fondos internacionales.

Convirtiendo con otros fondos

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How do we add value?

We are experts in new product
creation and implementation.

Network for business development
and company growth.

Structuring of new financing supported by national and international partners.

¿En quien invertimos?

1st and 2nd time entrepreneurs con equipos complementarios con vocación internacional y modelos de negocio validados con alta capacidad de escalabilidad. ¡Tenemos que entender muy bien cual es la salsa secreta!

Seed pocket

We invest tickets between €50k and €150k in early
stage companies. Betting on teams with entrepreneurial
experience that attack a very large potential market
and with proven success in other geographies.

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